Wednesday, January 24, 2018

Having fast, reliable Internet at home has become a necessity of our modern world, and especially for home-based business owners. To many people, Wi-Fi is even more important than a landline or cable. Setting up your Internet service and wireless access is straightforward, but how safe is it? That depends on the actions you take when setting up your wireless Internet. Follow these six steps to ensure that your Wi-Fi is secure from malicious threats and freeloading neighbors.

Step One: Purchase the Right Router

Some service providers offer routers with their packages, as well as modems. These routers don’t come equipped with the best security features. Look for a router that can handle your Internet speed and has WPA2 encryption. If you have several devices operating on the Wi-Fi, a dual-band or tri-band router will best suit your traffic levels.

Step Two: Gain Access

Once you’ve purchased a router and have it connected, it’s time to access the settings you will need to adjust for the best security. Temporarily hardwire your router to a computer and follow the steps for proper access here.

Step Three: Make Changes & Set Passwords

Your purchased router comes with a network name or SSID. Changing this from the given name (likely the brand name or model number) prevents hackers from accessing possible weaknesses about or within your router. After you’ve made this change, reset the router’s password. A factory set password is vulnerable. Create your own password that is random, complex, and unique. Using a combination of numbers and letters with and without capitalization is a great start. Don’t let any browsers remember this password information.

Before you are done, you’ll have to set your wireless access password. This is the password you will use on all devices to access the Wi-Fi connection. This password should be equally as strong, yet different from your router password.

Step Four: Set Access Limitations

Check to see if guest access is enabled. If it is, disable it. Turn off pairing options like WPS, and it’s a smart idea to disable the Universal Plug and Play (UPnP) as it’s known to have various security issues. Ensure everything remains password protected.

Step Five: Up Your Security

Since your router has WPA2 encryption, use it. Make sure the type of encryption is set to AES and ensure that HTTPS access to the router interface is turned on. Next, check that the firewall is activated automatically and that it’s upgraded to the newest version.

Maintain this security advantage by updating your router’s firmware. Set your calendar to remind you to check for updates!

Step Six: Adjust the Signal

Depending on where you live, you may require the full use of your signal range, but if you dwell in a smaller pad, lower the radius so that neighbors and folks passing by don’t have access to a good connection even if they somehow guess your password.

Once your router is set to the highest security possible, you are ready to enjoy your Wi-Fi. Only give the wireless password out to those you trust. Avoid giving it to neighbors or anyone close by or risk ending up with a large bill because they binge watched all of Grey’s Anatomy on your Wi-Fi. Happy browsing!

The post How to Secure Your Home Wi-Fi Connection appeared first on Home Business Magazine.

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