Monday, June 11, 2018

Taff Rahman, who was named the coach of the year at the 2017 Asian Football awards, knows from his own experience how hard it is for Asians to break through in professional football

It remains one of football’s most unfortunate statistics, yet one which could so easily have been tackled years ago. The under-representation of British Asian players and coaches in English football is a fact which cannot be ignored any longer.

Any excuses for the absence of Britons of Indian, Pakistan or Bangladeshi heritage have long worn thin. This season, only Leicester’s Hamza Choudhury has played in the Premier League. That will change in August when Wolves captain, Danny Batth will also feature. Yet while Zesh Rehman played for seven English sides, including 30 Premier League appearances for Fulham from 2003-06, far more talented youth prospects are still not making the grade.

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